Natural Products from Plants

We have compiled a virtual library of 20,000 small active molecules in plants.  Applying our unique in-silico discovery platform we screen this library against our drug targets of interest.  This application of our discovery platform extends the molecule universe we use to discover novel compounds aiming at defined cellular disease targets (same targets as for drug development) and is part of our drug discovery activities. 

At the same time we can clarify the potential activity of plants.

Our natural product library can also be used as guidance for the development of product prototypes for natural medicines: 

  • We determine what compounds in plants are active against a disease target and how they work.
  • We determine the MoA of active compounds with disease targets
  • We determine the most the suitable herbs for product development
  • We develop product prototypes for phytomedicines and as supplements or functional nutrition components
  • We provide a scientific basis for an understanding how and why plant based medicines work.

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